Delaware Office of Animal Welfare


Report An Animal

Pet Info

Please type Unknown if applicable.
Make it easier for others to find this listing by including relevant keywords, including breed (if known), color(s), markings, location, or any other useful information. Please separate keywords with commas
Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File
Maximum upload size: 2.1MB
Please provide a photo, if available.
Providing a phone number will allow for quicker pet/owner reunification.

Contact Information

For Delaware Office of Animal Welfare use only. Will not be displayed publicly.
For Delaware Office of Animal Welfare use only. Will not be displayed publicly.
For Delaware Office of Animal Welfare use only. Will not be displayed publicly.
Enter your email address. Email addresses are masked and will not be shared. If you do not have an email address, please contact Delaware Animal Services at 302-255-4646.

Get Started

Complete the reporting form to create a listing for a missing or found animal. Please be sure to provide as many details and relevant descriptive keywords of the animal in question as possible, to ensure the best odds for relocation.

In the event of an emergency, contact us the Office of Animal Welfare at
302- 255-4646